4 December 2024
Note: This release is Windows Server compatible only! Unix support will release early next year.
New Features
Automatic XML Analysis: Enable automatic change analysis between versions in your development environment. In this release, you can automatically see changes between the Active Branch File and the latest saved version on the branch. Enable in Project Settings -> Versions. Read more about the new Advanced Version Control features here.
Multiple teams and dev servers: Users can now be part of multiple teams and development environments, allowing you to easily shift between them.
Data Migration Summary: Data Migrations now show more real-time information and a summary report
Open/Close files from through Monitor: Files from any server can now be opened and closed directly from the Monitor window.
Beta Release Channel: A Release Cannel can now be selected for your app and each of your servers in Settings. This allows you to subscribe selected servers to Devin pre-release software versions in the future. During 2024, we have made significant investments in optimizing our internal DevOps pipelines which allows us to develop, test, build and release new versions of Devin Server in the matter of days instead of months.
Login/account creation/password reset overhaul: The login and authentication flow has gone through a major overhaul, making each step faster and more stable so that you never get stuck somewhere in the process.
Project Workspace navigation: various fixes and performance improvements that makes navigation between views faster.
Version Graph: Various fixes and improvements
Server Platform Setting: Server Platform removed from Settings -> Servers; now automatically interpreted by the Devin Server API.
Bug Fixes
Project Workspace sidebar behaviour: multi-line version descriptions no longer overlaps with the Tag placement
Team management: various fixes that improves the reliability of adding and removing team members from a team, including fixing a bug that would create empty users on login.
Activity logs: Fixed an issue where logs would accidentally be linked to the wrong project
New Features
Windows Server support: now supports Windows Server
XML Change Analysis API: Devin Server now includes our newset and most intelligent component, our XML Change Analysis API. This API can compute the differences between two fmp12 files in a matter of seconds in a detailed, yet very effecient way, enabling near real-time change analysis. Using the fmp12's XML representation, our new tool, built in Rust, can blaze through two sets of XML files, extract the information needed in a summaried way, and compute the differences, including actual code diffs for Scripts and Custom Functions, like you would see in platforms like GitHub.
Data Migration stability: Improved performance, stability and error handling of deployments and data migrations. This includes more intelligent communication between servers, insufficient memory crash preventions, and improved handling and recovery of fmp12 files in case of server, process or connection issues that occour before or during deployments.
File Backup consistency: now check for max file size, optimized for redundant file operations
Devin Engine effeciency: More components have been delegated from the Devin Engine to the Devin API, improving the performance of the Devin Engine.
Log sanitazion: implemented algorithm to clean sensitive data out of various logs
Bug Fixes
Unmodifiable clones: fixed an issue where cloned backups would become unmodifiable.
Known Issues
Git Dependency for Analysis Feature: Devin Server 1.2.0 does not always install the required Git dependency automatically. If missing, the “Analysis Error” message will appear in the Project Workspace Sidebar. To resolve this, manually install Git in the default Program Files directory. A fix is in progress.
Muli-word FileMaker account names: The XML Analysis functionality will not work for files that use multi-word FileMaker account names.
Admin Console Password Restriction: Devin does not support servers where the admin console password includes a colon (":") due to admin API authentication limitations.
Post Migration Script Parameter: Post migration scripts can only accept parameters of the "text" type.
Limited Error Logs for Post Migration Script: The logs do not specify the reason for script failure, such as script not found, invalid script name or OData being disabled on the server.
Deployment Status Delay: Deployment status might show "Update Available" after a successful migration. If it does not change to "On latest version" within 30 seconds, close and re-open the Project Workspace window.
Disk Space Check for Migrations: Disk space is checked only at the start of a migration. If two large migrations are started simultaneously, there might not be enough space for both when they complete, as space is not allocated at the start.
Storage Location: Devin stores everything on the default disk where Devin is installed (default Library folder). Using a second disk is not yet supported.
Deployment Process Limitation: Deployments are limited to the default deployment process which clones the live branch file instead of the actual version backup. For example, if you release a file from dev to main, and you make changes directly to main before you deploy the release, the modified version of main will be used in the deployment process instead of the actual version backup that was used in the release.
Alternative Database Paths: Alternative database paths defined in the Admin Console will not work if they are changed after Devin Server has been installed.
Unsafe TLS Connections: All unsafe TLS connections between Devin servers will be trusted, even if the presented SSL certificate is invalid, expired, or self-signed.
Custom Font Issue: The custom Devin font used for icons in the App will only work after restarting FileMaker Pro.
Activity Logs Limitation: Activity logs in the REPORT tab are limited. Use the DEBUG tab for detailed logs.
Local Development Files: Local development files are not supported. Files must be hosted on a dedicated development server.
Non-default Zoom Level in App: The app's windows and UI elements might not work and display correctly if the zoom level is set to other than 100%.
Last updated