
November 2023

Beta 6 brings significant changes to both the App and Server.

Beta 6 not only introduces Linux support but also feature a completely re-engineered server backend, offering major enhancements across various domains including ease of installation, project setup, and the stability of all DevOps features. This overhaul promises a far more reliable experience, resolving all previously reported bugs. Say goodbye to issues during installation and getting started!

New Features

  • Linux server support

  • New Project Workspace UI

  • Custom Branches

  • Commits now save actual copies of a file that can later be reverted back to

  • Better Release Management

  • Real-time migration logs


  • Server installation is now far simpler with a few command-line operation

  • Project configuration no longer requires you to setup any folders on any servers nor changing any filenames to follow any naming convention.

  • The stability, security and scalability of all DevOps operations are vastly improved due to a new backend architecture.

  • Devin Engine performance is greatly improved due to many of the components now being delegated to a local Devin API on each server.

Bug Fixes

  • Solves issues branching files from the master branch.

  • Solves issues with migrating large files

  • Solves issues downloading server installers. Installers are now downloaded via command-line.

  • Other minor bugs

Last updated